In our digital economy, a generation of smart, demanding workers are fighting burnout, embracing mindfulness, and challenging every assumption we have about work.

We’ve partnered with Quartz to help you rethink what shapes a workplace in the digital economy. With the tap of a finger, click your way through six courses that explain everything you need to know about Workplace Experience (WX) in less than five minutes.

WX101 explores office architecture and tackles many topics around flexible workspaces and the importance of a people-centric architecture. At Citrix, we agreed on the importance of putting people at the center office design, and our real estate strategy directly mirrors these findings.

The Digital Workplace Experience

The Citrix digital workplace vision is a fun, modern, collaborative workplace that fosters innovation, supports a variety of work styles, showcases our technology, and reflects Citrix’s culture in a fiscally and environmentally responsible manner.

Open seating is one option in work environments offering choice and control.  Within Citrix offices there are different kind of spaces where an employee can work depending on the task. Private and focus areas are available as well as collaboration zones and communal spaces like breakrooms, cafes, and outdoor spaces.

The articles that criticize open seating are popular but often flawed, focusing on environments that do not offer alternatives. They also don’t reference the failure of the closed office environment, which has been largely abandoned in corporate workplaces in favor of more connectivity, flexibility, and light.

Empowerment in the Workplace

Philosophically, we attend to the human factor of interaction where people can work together, meet together, and learn together. Mixing formal spaces with casual environments expands opportunities for employees to collaborate and meet together. As recommended in WX101, establishing both private and focus areas as well as open spaces for collaboration are key for improving Workplace Experience.

In our Stockholm, Sweden, and Raleigh, North Carolina, offices, Sales and Real Estate teams partnered to create workplaces that enable worker mobility and agility and engage customers in more compelling conversations about our solutions.

The result was innovative designs that enable users to choose the workspace that best matches specific activities.  Employees can move fluidly through the workplace, performing each task in the ideal environment with the right tools. Take a look.

Check out our other workplace experience blog posts and all the courses in our Quartz Workplace Experience Series to learn more.