Apple have announced they’re removing support for NPAPI from Safari 12. This will affect the user experience for users accessing Citrix Receiver for Web using Safari on Mac. We’ll address this by turning on the Citrix Receiver Launcher for Safari 12+ in future releases of Citrix StoreFront.

However, for existing StoreFront deployments, you will have to modify web.config under the Receiver for Web (RfWeb) site (typically C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\StoreWeb) to activate the Citrix Receiver Launcher for Safari 12 and later.

Open web.config using your preferred text editor and locate the line highlighted in the screen shot:

The value of the platforms attribute is a regular expression specifying the browsers that Citrix Receiver Launcher is used for client detection and HDX launches. Change the regular expression to:

"(Macintosh|Windows NT).*((Firefox/((5[2-9]|[6789][0-9])|\d\d\d))|(Chrome/((4[2-9]|[56789][0-9])|\d\d\d)))|Macintosh.*Version/(1[2-9]|[2-9][0-9]).*Safari/"

This will add Safari 12 and later to the list of browsers that Citrix Receiver Launcher will be used.