Two years ago, I bought a desktop computer during Black Friday sale. It was a good deal, but the computer came with a hard disk drive, instead of a solid-state drive. I figured that wasn’t a big deal, and went on with my life. Yes, the computer took forever to reboot, often failed to wake up from sleep, but hey, I can always wait, right?

Two years later, I’d finally had enough. I ordered a solid-state drive from Amazon, plugged it in, cloned the disk and (ta-da!), it was done. Now, it takes 20 seconds to reboot instead of 2 minutes, 2 seconds to wake up from sleep, and the computer is super-responsive. Finally, I feel productive.

This is just a small example of what new technologies can bring. Swapping HDD for SSD is a small action, but it delivers a significant boost in speed and productivity. We are fortunate to live in a world where new technologies show up routinely: mobile, cloud, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and so on. Our lives are made more efficient and productive by these things, but they do add layers of complexity to our lives. Just count the number of streaming services you have to subscribe to in order to watch your favorite shows.

This complexity seeps in everywhere. In the business world, companies are lured by the great potential offered by Mobile and Cloud computing — work anywhere … don’t own infrastructure … pay only what you consume — these are great benefits that all companies want so as to become more productive, more competitive, and more profitable. However, these improvements come with a price. Enterprise IT is becoming increasingly complex, since it isn’t always possible to replace the old stuff. In the end, you need to be adept in managing both the old and the new. The only way out of this quagmire is to automate and simplify. At Citrix, we recognize the complexity challenge Enterprise IT faces, and offer many solutions to bridge the old and the new, to enable and empower the modern workspace.

My team is Customer Success Engineering. Our focus is to help on-premises customers succeed by reducing your efforts in running Citrix solutions. That way, you will have more time and energy devoted to running your business. To achieve that, we do the following:

  • We fix product defects and deliver high performing and stable cumulative updates for Long Term Service Releases (LTSR).
  • We identify common areas of customer pain, formulate Problem of Interests (POI), and systematically address them in the product.
  • We invest in Support experience improvements, enable self-service, deliver support tools, and integrate product monitoring / help / support workflow to make it easier to obtain the help you need. Download the latest version of the Supportability Pack.
  • We leverage the power of Cloud to deliver free health checks for on-premises environments (CSS entitlement required). Learn about SmartCheck here and watch the short intro video below.

Do you have any suggestions on what we can do to help keep your on-premises environments humming? We’d like to hear from you. Please leave your suggestions below or email me directly at