At the end of 2015, Citrix introduced ShareFile for Citrix Service Providers (CSPs) with the availability of multi-tenancy. Since the launch, ShareFile has become a key driver in the rapid growth of the CSP program. Our partners have empowered their customers to overcome real business challenges with ShareFile by adding a layer of security to their documents, enhancing worker productivity, and enabling employee mobility. With this simple, powerful value proposition, CSPs are using ShareFile as the catalyst to start their customers on their cloud journey.

When customers see the value that moving to the cloud provides, their journey usually progresses to other cloud solutions, including hosted desktops delivered through XenApp and XenDesktop. As the only Enterprise File Sync-and-Share (EFSS) solution optimized for a virtualized environment, ShareFile serves as the perfect complement to a secure digital workspace delivered in combination with XenApp and XenDesktop.

As CSPs manage their customers journey to the cloud, some provided feedback that they would prefer to deliver ShareFile through Citrix-managed cloud storage instead of their own data center. Well, today we are excited to announce the upcoming release of ShareFile Cloud Storage for CSPs!

The addition of cloud storage will give CSPs the flexibility to store their customers ShareFile documents in a Citrix-managed Cloud Storage Zone or their own data center. Flexible storage options will enable CSPs to manage their ShareFile business in the simplest, and most profitable, way for them.

So let’s get to the important part! Here’s what CSPs get with this new offering:

  • Unlimited cloud storage – Our cloud is your cloud! Your customers can now use as much storage as they need in a cloud-based, Citrix-managed Storage Zone for a flat monthly fee. Not only does this provide exceptional value to your customers while eliminating variable storage costs, it frees our CSPs from managing ShareFile licenses and storage in their data center.
  • No up-front investments – Setting up your own data center is a differentiator for many partners, but it requires a significant upfront financial and time investment. With Cloud Storage for CSPs, you’re ready to start selling today. Additionally, our flexible “pay-as-you-grow” model also eliminates the need to invest in infrastructure that may go unused, helping CSPs maximize their margins.
  • Richer feature set – Setting your customers up with ShareFile in a Citrix-managed Storage Zone means they’ll get access to some of our most valuable features, including Office 365 connectors, approval workflows, and Information Rights Management. These features are key differentiators for ShareFile and will help CSPs enhance their security and worker productivity value proposition.
  • Eased management – With cloud storage, there’s no need for you to set up a server or to create a storage infrastructure configuration. So, you’ll spend less time setting customers up in your data center and managing their storage and more time on value-added activities that grow your business.

The Citrix team has developed resources to help CSPs jumpstart their ShareFile business:

ShareFile Cloud Storage for CSPs will be available for resale on June 19th. For more details, contact your Citrix Partner Account Manager, your preferred distributor, or send an e-mail to
