Deploying Citrix XenApp in Microsoft Azure is a hot topic for many customers and partners that I’ve had to pleasure of speaking with over the past few years. Designing and deploying a XenApp solution to meet their needs—whether it’s migrating from on-premises to Azure or bursting to the Azure cloud—is a key component to many organizations’ overall application delivery strategy.

Both Citrix and Microsoft have made significant improvements to help make it possible for customers to enable the secure delivery of Windows apps and data in the cloud with major releases, such as Azure Resource Manager and XenApp 7.11. With these new releases, there are many questions that architects or administrators of Azure and XenApp may have, such as:

  • How many Storage Accounts do I need for XenApp?
  • What type of Azure instance yields the best performance and the best cost per user?
  • How do I handle machine power management to reduce costs in Azure?
  • How do design a single Azure region or multiple for XenApp?
  • What type of NVIDIA N Series preview instances work with HDX 3D Pro?


The v1.2 of the guide is now available.

These are all great questions that we’ve attempted to help customers and partners answer in the form of a XenApp 7.11 and NetScaler deployment guide on Azure that is available today! As Citrix product releases change—as well as Azure—expect this deployment guide to be updated frequently  to keep up with the fast rate of change.

I’d love to hear your feedback; feel free to leave a comment below or send me a tweet at @TonySanchez_CTX.

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