As it might help customers to have Director Trends Reports sent automatically to Users, I have written a tool to provide this functionality. This tool is unsupported but would like customers to try it provide feedback as we look to improve our features in Director.
What is this Tool for?
This tool sends the automated email weekly or daily as configured by the user. This tool provides the ability to export reports from any Director Trends tab and email to a given recipient, on selected re-occurrence.
– Install tool on Director Server Only
– Compatible with Director 7.5 and Director 7.6 only
– Administrator configuring the tool should have access to Citrix Director read-only or higher permissions. (Check troubleshooting section for more details).
How do I install?
You can find a Director Automated Emails Zip File with this blog, unzip on the Director Server. Run installer.exe as an administrator. The following window will open up:
Provide the required information and install the service. Select “I Agree with above Note” and click on install.
Caution: The username we provide here is used to login to Director, hence the user should have permissions to login to Director and export the report. Installer should always be run as an administrator. Please check troubleshooting section to check to know more.
How Do I configure?
Click on Configure button and XML opens with notepad. By default this xml will have configuration for Trends report with default timing as 9:00 AM for daily report and Monday-9:00:00 AM for weekly report. Change this to the time you want the scheduled report to run. After modifying, save the file and close it.
Here is the snippet for changing the time of daily reports:
<? xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<ReportName>Director daily Reports</ReportName>
<Query type=”Default”>Load Evaluator Index</Query>
<Time recurrence=”daily”>10:35:00</Time>
<ReportName>Director Daily Reports</ReportName>
<Query type=”Default”>Load Evaluator Index</Query>
<Time recurrence=”weekly”>Monday-10:35:00</Time>
Node Definition:
ReportName :
Name of the report. This will be sent as a Email Subject
Query :
Director Trends Tab names for which report is to be mailed.
Different Query Support are for Director 7.5 and Director 7.6:
- Sessions
- Failed Desktop OS Machines
- Connection Failures
- Failed Server OS Machines
- Logon Performance
- Load Evaluator Index
For Director 7.6 :
7. Hosted Application Usage
Caution: Please use only one query per report node. Also make sure to use the exact words with cases.
DeliveryGroupName :
Name Of the Delivery Group for which the report is exported.
This is when the report to be mailed. Recurrence can be daily or weeklyThe format for daily is “HH:MM:SS” and weekly is “Day-HH:MM:SS”
From :
Senders name of the email
RecipientEmail :
To field in email. It can be single, group or many with comma separated address.
SMTPServer :
SMTP Server from which email to be sent
Director Server ip
Supported Reports on Trends Page:
This is the snapshot of Director 7.5 trends page tabs for which report email can be configured.
This is the snapshot of Director 7.6 trends page tabs for which report email can be configured
Query Section in the above table has the exact words. Please use the same to configure the report.
The Tool logs the different failures on to event logs. We can always have a look for the latest event for the source “Director Report Email” and resolve the issue.
Follow these two step before taking any actions:
– Open the browser from same machine and login Director from the credentials you provide. See if he has permission to login and download the Report.
– Check the Application log in event viewer for Director Email Report Errors.
– Run following command and check if the email is sent :
Send-MailMessage -Body ‘Testing Message’ -From -SmtpServer yoursmtp -Subject ‘Director daily Reports’ -To
This blog post covers a product configuration or procedure which Citrix does not currently offer support for. Use of this configuration should only be used in a lab or test environment and not with production deployments. The author is actively seeking feedback on the potential of implementing support for this configuration, but the form any level of support takes has yet to be determined.