Citrix Blogs

Why Citrix Converge is the best place for the microapp curious

Are you curious about microapps? Don’t be shy about this new technology!

Are manual processes bogging down your customers’ operations? Do they long for less busy work? More automation? More time for employees to focus on work that grows your business? Then it’s time to have the microapp talk! Luckily, we have three superstar partners you need to meet that are all in on the microapp game — and share more than a few reasons you must attend Citrix Converge, our virtual developer conference next week!


Before microapps were even out of preview and the Future of Work was barely a twinkle in someone’s eye, early adopter RawWorks was (you guessed it) building microapps! RawWorks saw how custom microapps for custom workflows — as well as generic apps on Marketplace — could really differentiate their company.

As one of the few companies in the world with three (!) Citrix Technical Professionals (CTPs) on staff, RawWorks has built an all-star team that can help you overcome microapp hesitancy and get on board with this must-have technology.

Want special functionality, but don’t have an API? Be sure to attend RawWorks’ Converge session, “Why you should care about low code and no code.” Instead of buying apps, why not build it from scratch? CTO Chris Twiest will show you how easy it is to build your own, and how microapps can move customers that much closer to embracing Citrix Workspace.

They’ll also cover Python versus PowerShell — and another programming language that I’ll keep a secret, only to be revealed if you watch the Converge session!

Envision IT

For Envision IT, user experience isn’t just a nice perk. It’s part of their core philosophy. They believe empowering people with a better day at work can move the needle on the greater good. And what better way to help employees find their “zone of genius” than streamlining disparate systems into one simple microapp!

They’ve built integrations that utilize a middleware combining five or six systems of record into a single microapp, allowing them to deliver functionalities that keep users in one place, make work easier to do and simplify the task of tracking and connecting key data points. Envision IT already has several microapps in the Citrix Ready Marketplace focused on change management and well-being at work.

On October 26 at Citrix Converge, Bob Dankert, Director of Software Development, will present on the power of microapp middleware. Not only does this partner know how to play well with others, but they can also bring a wealth of knowledge to your project. Don’t miss this one!

A2K Partners

When it comes to automation, A2K Partners has an impressive tally: four microapps already published in the Citrix Ready Marketplace, and four more in the process of being approved.

In the past, A2K would wait for customers to lead on microapp creation. Now, when an idea strikes, A2K builds it themselves. It’s one of the best ways to get users excited about using the intelligent portion of Citrix Workspace. With microapps, users can surface critical actions and deliver actionable insights into their Citrix Workspace feed, allowing users to have real financial impact with one click. For example, with Salesforce and ServiceNow, information entered into one system typically needs to be entered into the other, duplicating cumbersome administrative work. With microapps designed by A2K, users enter it once, everything is updated behind the scenes, and the whole workflow becomes streamlined.

Optimizing processes and team performance doesn’t just sound good, it’s good business. These microapps empower customers to meet and exceed objectives, extract more value from solutions, and boost employee productivity in the highest impact areas of their business. All the increased efficiency adds up to a differentiated digital experience and measurable growth.

A2K Partners is preparing two presentations at Converge. The first is a technical track with their CTO on Push API with listening integrations, exploring how to accelerate your sales ecosystem with Citrix Workspace microapps. Then Ray Wolf himself will share insights gleaned from talking to over 200 customers on how they’ve navigated the pandemic behind the scenes. Discover the new and brewing innovations that are transforming customer and employee experience.

So, what should you do if you’re still “just curious”? Don’t let the learning curve stand in your way. The best way to get started with microapps is to come to the Citrix Converge, our premiere developer conference.

Get hands-on, intensive training from experts who can unlock your creativity and show you easy and fun it can be to turn good ideas into powerful microapps. You’ll get exclusive access to tutorials and sessions for coders, scripters and builders on the latest APIs tools and tactics across the Citrix portfolio.

Make plans to attend these exciting sessions at Citrix Converge, October 26-28! Register here.

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