Citrix Blogs

Cloud, COVID, and carbon

You may be asking yourself, “What do these three things have in common?”

I’m glad you asked that because they are all subjects that I had an opportunity to discuss with my friend Patrick Babic of Centrica Energy. And that title was catchier than the one I had been considering: How did Centrica roll out 18,000 Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktops using Citrix Cloud and Fujitsu Global Services?

What started as an update to their VDI environment, with a focus on cloud first, quickly evolved into a global roll out for work from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with what basically amounted to the entire work population having to work from home seemingly overnight, Patrick and his team rolled out 18,000 virtual desktops to the entire staff with all the apps and resources they needed to get their job done. And one of the upsides was a reduction of their carbon footprint!

I enjoyed talking to Patrick so much I had to make it into three episodes. THREE!

How do you take legacy infrastructure to the cloud for 18,000 employees with speed and agility? Centrica did it with the help of Fujitsu, Citrix, and Microsoft.

Centrica’s Patrick Babic helps me to discover how they leveraged Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop with Citrix to enable work from home and reduce the company’s carbon footprint with the guidance of technology partner Fujitsu.

In the face of a global pandemic, Centrica was able to respond in minutes to employees’ need to work from home with the agility of Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure and leadership from Fujitsu. Their response was in a word “easy.” Check out the Centrica video on our Citrix Cloud Summit page.

Now I hear you asking yourself, “Is there more to this compelling story?” I am again so glad you asked that. Keep your eyes on the Citrix blog for the next episodes in this series, where I’ll talk with  but from the lens of Fujitsu’s Global Client Executive, Steve Anderson.

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