Citrix Blogs

Bring Your Own Tech to Work: Risks, Rewards & Realities for Healthcare

Organizations need to recognize that people will continue to use unauthorized technologies — often in direct violation of organizational policies. This is especially true in the healthcare industry, where the balance between patient care, HIPAA compliance, security issues and privacy further complicate the usage of personal devices, networks and applications.

Why the overt defiance? It’s because people want to use their own convenient, familiar, and friendly technologies to connect to all applications and services. They don’t want to carry around different devices to connect to different systems. Frankly, sometimes it’s just not practical to carry multiple devices or manage a plethora of organizationally-issued apps across devices. So, how should a healthcare organization provide clinicians with technology solutions that allow them the device flexibility they want, without compromising enterprise security and privacy?

What’s needed in this situation is a shift in thinking.

It’s not about requiring trusted enterprise devices at every step of the way anymore.  It’s more about vetting the entire situation for trust—not only the device, but the user, the user’s location and the sensitivity of the data they are trying to access—combining all of the trust factors to make a dynamic decision about who gets access to what information in that specific situation.

A secure digital workspace provides exactly that level of vetting, so that access to information can be provisioned by IT in a risk-appropriate way.  Clinicians want to provide better care for their patients.  IT needs to defend security and assure privacy.  A secure digital workspace helps IT prescribe the secure and risk-appropriate delivery of data and apps to any device on any network, whether that device has been organizationally-issued or not.

Navigating BYOD and BYOA in Healthcare without Compromising Security

We recently conducted a survey with HIMSS Analytics to find out how many people were using unauthorized technologies and applications for work-related tasks – along with the consequences of using non-authorized IT services to get work done. If you want to learn more about the results of the survey and recommended approaches to managing these results while having the opportunity to ask questions of our panel of experts, register for the webinar below:

Bring Your Own Tech to Work: Risks, Rewards and Realities for Healthcare

August 17, 2017
8 a.m. PDT / 10 a.m. CT / 11 a.m. EDT

Register now

Don’t let speed, performance and device choice become security risks.

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