Citrix Blogs

Preview: EDT Lossy on Citrix Gateway service

Citrix Gateway service now supports Loss tolerant mode (preview), which uses EDT Lossy transport protocol to enhance the end-user audio experience for users connecting through networks with high latency and packet loss.

In recent years, remote work has become increasingly common, with many organizations adopting a hybrid model that allows employees to work from home or other locations outside the office. As a result, real-time multimedia and unified communications (UC) software has become essential for many organizations because it enables remote workers to participate in activities that require synchronized, high-quality audio.

However, remote workers often encounter network connectivity issues that can negatively impact audio quality. These issues can include high latency, packet loss, and other network congestion issues that can result in audio lag or poor quality.

This is where Citrix’s EDT Lossy and Loss tolerant mode features come in. EDT Lossy is a loss-tolerant transport protocol that allows packet loss in transmission without resending multimedia content, resulting in a more real-time experience for users. It is also the preferred mode for audio, ensuring superior audio quality compared to EDT during lossy network conditions.

Enlightened Data Transport (EDT) is a Citrix-proprietary transport protocol that delivers a superior user experience on challenging long-haul connections while maintaining server scalability. Loss tolerant mode is a feature of Citrix Gateway service that uses EDT Lossy as the transport protocol to maintain a stable connection even in the face of network congestion. This ensures a consistent and stable experience for remote workers.

Loss tolerant mode is particularly useful for remote workers who rely on real-time multimedia for their work. For unified communications, training, and many other multimedia activities, it is critical that the audio remains in sync to ensure that remote employees receive the same experience as those who are physically present. EDT Lossy can help maintain this synchronization even on networks with high latency and packet loss. It is also the preferred mode for audio, ensuring superior audio quality compared to EDT during lossy network conditions.

During normal conditions, both EDT and EDT Lossy provide similar results. However, during network conditions with packet loss, EDT Lossy provides a better audio experience compared to EDT. This makes it an essential feature for remote workers who rely on real-time multimedia for their work.

Try the Preview Today

Citrix solutions are designed to help organizations deliver a seamless and consistent user experience across the spectrum of remote and hybrid work scenarios, even in challenging network conditions. By signing up for the preview of EDT Lossy for Citrix Gateway service, IT admins can experience firsthand how this feature can improve their overall remote work experience, providing a better user experience for their remote workforce.

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