Citrix Blogs

Site Wide View of HDX Graphics Modes

UPDATE – Script has been updated due to release of FrameHawk graphic delivery mode with feature pack 2 and the enhancements to compatibility mode with feature pack 3.

Some time ago I wrote an article covering the “HDX encoding methods” or HDX graphics modes in XenDesktop 7, a topic which has recently been expanded on in another great article found here which really delves into policy settings and additional recommendations and I recommend them both as background reading to this post. In fact I will not be covering any of the details surrounding the graphics modes here as I am assuming you have read the articles above or the relevant section in the Virtual Desktop Handbook under Bandwidth Requirements.

Troubleshooting the HDX Graphics Modes

This has been an area of confusion for some and the recently released article CTX200370 is great at explaining several ways to find out the graphics mode. These methods however are all on a per session basis and when working with large customers I needed to get a bird’s eye view of their deployments to minimize troubleshooting time. What I would like to share today is a PowerShell script which does just that 😉 . The script queries a XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x site and summarizes HDX graphics modes information on all active sessions in the site in an easy to read CSV. This should help anyone troubleshooting graphics related issues across a site, especially issues related to the compatibility mode encoder. The report should look similar to the screenshot below.

An explanation of how to use the script and how to interpret the summary is provided in a readme within the script. It is available here via ShareFile. Enjoy :).

Thanks for reading,

Amit Ben-Chanoch
Worldwide Consulting
Desktop & Apps Team
Project Accelerator
Virtual Desktop Handbook
Follow @CTXConsulting


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