Enterprise License Agreement Program

Flexible agreements and streamlined procurement to meet evolving business needs.

The Enterprise License Agreement Program (ELA) helps organizations adapt to changing business needs and control costs by allowing customers to buy only what they need, when they need it, at the best possible price.

All-inclusive Discounts

Apply the same discount you receive for your first qualified purchase to any additional eligible Citrix product. Discounts apply for three years and may be increased and extended with a qualified purchase.

Program Simplicity

Register once for a single, straightforward online agreement covering all eligible Citrix products to simplify procurement across your organization, now and in the future.

Purchasing Flexibility

Adapt cost-effectively to evolving business needs by buying and renewing only what you need, when you need it, without the costs and constraints of rigid up-front commitments.

Key Points

  • Commercial Sector License
  • 250 and more users
  • Initial Investment varies by geography
  • Initial order sets discounts
  • All software and hardware products are available

Need help with your licensing?